Saturday, April 15, 2006



  • The Feminist movement- Gloria Steinem is launched as an icon of the modern feminist movement. The movement throughout the decade is pin-pointed as the defining period where things really changed for women, especially in the western world; equal pay etc were all issues that were raised in America and finally being listened to.


  • The Vietnam War


  • Laura Mulvey wrote 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema'. This was a defining paper on the representations of women in films and still used in studies today for the way women are represented in the media and the world in general.


  • The BBC views 'Roots' an American production about African American slavery. These kinds of historical programmes were a signiture of television in the 1970s.

While the United States experienced recession, the economy of Japan rose to claim the top spot on the world stage. The economies of many third world countries continued to bloom in the early 1970s through the green revolution. They might have thrived and become stable in the way that Europe recovered after the war through the Marshall Plan; however, the economic growth was stunted by the oil crisis.

The ethos of the 1970s emerged from a transition of the global social structure. It reflected the transition from the decline of colonial imperialism since the end of World War II to globalization and the rise of a new middle class in the developing world.


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