Essay Question Plan4
Asians in the media are shown to be under-represented even though the minority group is the biggest in the UK amongst other ethnic groups such as blacks.
The powerful or 'Hegemonic model' are middle-class, white men.
Texts to consider on Asian representations:
- 'East is East'
- 'Bride and Prejudice'
- 'Love and Hate'
- 'Bradford Riots'
- 'Crash'
- 'Goodness Gracious Me'
- 'Fahrenheit 9/11'
In 'Eastenders' the Indian family in that are very much designed to suit a more working/middle-class, British audience. The way they are shown is more British than anything else with many Western ideologies (Elvis). This caters to the audience to relate to but the colour of their skin doesn't actually change anything. This has ups and downs to it; the ups are that it does tend to break stereotypes about Asian representations away from their strict lifestyles and 'fresh' accents, although it doesn't show the traditions and cultural beliefs the group hold that set them apart from the British. The whole point of showing an ethnic minority group on television isn't to employ upon them the same values and ideologies of British, white people but to show their adaptation of East meeting West and how they come together.
'Asian invisibility'
This is a phrase used to define the marginalization of Asians in the media, mainly consisting in them being shown at times when a minimum of people would be watching. Programmes featuring them are likely to only come on during the early morning when literally NO ONE is awake to watch.
This could be 'institutional racism' dominantly run by the powerful hegemonic model and serve their target audience and shove the minority group to the margins.
"Hideously white"- Greg Dyke (ex-Director-General, BBC)
The lack of recruitment of ethnic minorities (such as Asians) in the media leaves only unexperienced ideologies of middle-class, white people who haven't got the background but tend to represent them in a way that they feel fit for the dominant audience rather than the group they're representing. This could lead to positive and negative discriminations and consequently do appeal to the interests of the powerful.
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